Corder - Compagnon de ma calamite poster.png

Compagnon de ma calamité

dir. Nick Corder
Running time: 13:52


“Last semester, I went to Canada, leaving the Midwest in search of the cosmic je-ne-sais-quoi.” Compagnon de ma calamité (Companion in My Calamity) is an immersive travel film where I explore aspects of living abroad vis-à-vis my experience living in Quebec. As summer turns into a Canadian winter, postcard images of my neighborhood pop up like memories. What do we remember when we leave a place? How do we process it? What narratives can we construct from our past? Why?

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Nick Corder is a world traveller with an obsession for movies. Recently Nick was chosen to participate in the Telluride Film Festival Student Symposium where he met with some of his filmmaking idols, including filmmaker Kelly Reichardt and documentarian Ken Burns. His favorite movie memory is getting kicked off the red carpet at Cannes Film Festival for “inappropriate attire” (i.e. Doc Martens). He makes movies out of love. He makes movies out of need. He hopes you take something from his film.