Erin, Verified
dir. Madi Baughman
Running time: 15 min.
In most aspects of her life, Erin Jones is a normal person. She’s 27 years old, she works a retail job and she lives in Chicago with her three roommates. That, and she also has more than two million followers on the popular video-sharing app TikTok. Erin, Verified is an open, honest look at the effect pseudo-fame and parasocial relationships have on people in the age of social media. What do you consider fame?
Madi Baughman
Madi Baughman is an editor, filmmaker, and freelance content creator from Jefferson City, Missouri. She will be graduating from the University of Missouri with a bachelor's degree in Journalism and a minor in Sociology. After graduating, she hopes to continue doing post-production editing and filmmaking after moving to the Chicago area. As someone who has had a passion for storytelling ever since she was a child, being able to make her own films is a dream come true. Her debut film, Erin, Verified, is a venture into the world of internet fame and celebrity though the eyes of a twenty-something.