
dir. Ray Jude Tubbs
Running time: 10 min.


Fonteece follows the life and times of the Peter Fonteece, an incredibly prolific video maker that nobody has ever heard of. Over the course of twelve years, Fonteece has uploaded more than 7,000 short videos across countless sharing platforms. During this time, he's crafted a bizarre aesthetic that remains compelling despite its amateur style and dubiously-sourced content. Fonteece has persisted in this endeavor regardless of the fact that nobody seems to pay his art any mind - until now.

Ray Jude Tubbs

Hailing from Dallas, Texas, Ray Jude Tubbs is a documentary filmmaker and amateur archivist. They study documentary journalism at the University of Missouri, while also serving as History and Archives coordinator at the university's LGBTQ Resource Center. Fonteece is their first film, but is also a tribute to their time spent making amateur videos on the internet as a teenager. They anticipate graduating in July 2022, after which time they will pursue a career in video production in Oklahoma City.