An experimental, simple portrait of four significant moments in the life of Virginia, who grew up in and out of the foster care system. The story unfolds as Ginny recalls snippets of her life, as the camera examines the dissonance between internal psychological spaces and the external spaces in which she exists.
Director: Varun Bajaj
Producers: Varun Bajaj, Robert Greene and Stacey Woelfel
Cinematographers: Bella Graves and Kyle Pyatt
Editor: Adam Dietrich
Technical Info:
Shooting format: 2K
Screening formats: 2K
Spoken language: English
Subtitles: none
Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Sound: Stereo
Method M Films contact details:
Stacey Woelfel, director
243 Walter Williams Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-0698
2017 Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival - Columbia, Missouri