I’ve Never Been in a Fight
dir. Andrew Moore
Running time: 30 min.
Have you ever been in a fight? Even thrown a punch? Because Andrew never has. His mom raised him as a pacifist, and she would like to keep it that way. But deep down, Andrew has a question: how much can he know about himself if he’s never been punched in the face? More importantly: how much can he know about his mom, the woman that has sacrificed so much for him, if he’s never fought for anything?
Andrew Moore
Rockton, Illinois native Andrew Moore began his filmmaking career four years ago. Committing to Mizzou would introduce him to his lifelong friends Jared and Jake, the same people who would encourage him to pick up his first camera. From the Mizzou Athletics Creative Team to Mizzou’s Homecoming Steering Committee, Moore found a way to use his camera to leave an impact on the Columbia community. I’ve Never Been In A Fight is a culmination of Moore’s commitment to raw storytelling, fusing his passion for sports with delicate emotion, and features cinematography from one of the people that first encouraged Moore to pick up a camera- Jake Fein. Upon graduating in May of 2022, Moore will continue telling stories in Atlanta, GA as he joins WarnerMedia as a full-time videographer and editor.