

dir. Kyle Pyatt
Running time: 33 min.

The rural Missouri community of Weldon Spring is home to a nature preserve, a high school, and a dark past. While most of its residents have little interest in their town’s shadowy history, retired teacher Tom Whelan refuses to let the stories fade from memory. As Tom takes us on a tour of the area, we meet Dylan, a high school sophomore who lives a few miles from a looming structure known as the Rockpile. While they dig for the buried secrets of their hometown, they also shed light on the dynamic between fact and folklore in small town USA.

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Kyle Pyatt


Director: Kyle Pyatt
Producers: Kyle Pyatt, Robert Greene and Stacey Woelfel
Cinematographer: Kyle Pyatt

Technical Info:
Shooting format: 2K
Screening formats: 2K
Spoken language: English
Subtitles: none
Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Sound: Stereo

Method M Films contact details:
Stacey Woelfel, director
243 Walter Williams Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-0698

2017 Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival - Columbia, Missouri