Kalamboukas -Second Semester Senior Year poster.jpg

Second Semester
Senior Year

dir. Manuela Kalamboukas
Running time: 13:11


Following a state order to close all schools for the remainder of the academic year, a high school senior and her friends try to carry on when all sense of normalcy in their last months in high school have been stolen from them.

Manuela Kalamboukas

Manuela Kalamboukas is a senior at the University of Missouri, where she will be receiving a dual degree in Documentary Journalism and Theatre Performance, in addition to a minor in Spanish. While pursuing her bachelor’s degree, she had the opportunity to go abroad twice, where she reported on environmental stories in Costa Rica and interned at a multimedia production company in Barcelona, Spain. Telling stories has always brought her joy and she hopes to be able to share this joy with people around her through her work.