Sin Miedo
dir. Marian Bouchot
Running time: 21 min.
Winner: Special Jury Prize for Excellence in Portraiture
The construction industry in Texas has countless Latinx workers, and Fredy is one of them. He has spent the last eight years trying to make the American dream his reality, but will he ever feel like an American? Every day, white bosses take advantage of immigrants like him because of their legal status and work ethic. But Fredy didn’t leave behind his birth country of Honduras to continue living in fear.
Marian Bouchot
Marian grew up in Austin, Texas, going every Friday night with her family to the local Hollywood Video to rent movies. Anytime films uniquely moved her dad, he’d call them “keepers”—the ones that made him grab a tissue, the ones that made him die laughing, the ones that made him think twice. Her family watched countless films, but only a few were “keepers.” After Marian watched her friends and family experience her first film, she decided there was nothing else she wanted to do more than to spend her life telling “keepers.”