The Ginger Witch
dir. Xuan Qi
Running time: 16 min.
One August afternoon, Renée, a leftist activist in mid-Missouri, tried to log into her personal Facebook account only to discover it has been permanently purged. After being wrongly identified as a member of Antifa, she had vanished from the Internet without warning. More than ten years of her memories and activism preserved on Facebook were wiped away as if she never existed. After losing her main platform, an activist tries to continue her mutual aid and community defense work.
Xuan Qi
Xuan Qi is a filmmaker and video journalist with a background in strategic communication. She was born on the Tibet Plateau and raised in Guangzhou, China. Xuan’s trajectory gives her a distinctive perspective to look at the world, ideologies and people. Xuan has a production assistant credit on Hold Me Right and previously worked as a video intern for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in New York City. She will earn her master’s degree in documentary journalism from the University of Missouri in May 2021. After graduation, she will join the Walt Disney Company as a production intern for Nightline at ABC.