Until Arcturus
dir. Abbey Reznicek
Running time: 22 min.
Some believe the stunning red rock formations and the unusually calming atmosphere they create draw people to the seemingly mystical town of Sedona, Arizona. Others believe it is something more--the vortexes found under the city itself. Until Arcturus features a woman who sees the world through the eyes of her alien family while trying to live out her truth among the humans who surround her.
Abbey Reznicek
Director: Abbey Reznicek
Producers: Abbey Reznicek, Bryan Lushbough, Robert Greene and Stacey Woelfel
Cinematographers: Abbey Reznicek and Nate Compton
Editor: Abbey Reznicek
Technical Info:
Shooting format: 2K
Screening formats: 2K
Spoken language: English
Subtitles: none
Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Sound: Stereo
Method M Films contact details:
Stacey Woelfel, director
243 Walter Williams Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-0698
2018 Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival - Columbia, Missouri